The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Water Dispenser for Office

Ak710 water dispenser for office use

Looking for the ideal water dispenser for office use? You’re in the right place.

We have been in the hydration game for years, and I’m here to spill the tea (or in this case, water) on everything you need to know.

Let’s dive in.

Why Your Office Needs a Water Dispenser

Think about it:

Dehydrated employees = sluggish productivity.

A quality water dispenser for office use isn’t just a fancy accessory. It’s a game-changer for your team’s health and performance. Need to make that hot cuppa for your caffeine boost or ice cold water to beat the heat? A water dispenser will surely be useful appliance in your office.

Types of Water Dispensers: What’s Your Flavour?

Floor Stand Dispensers: The Office Hydration Powerhouse

These bad boys are perfect for larger offices.

They’re like the SUVs of water dispensers—robust, spacious, and ready to serve a crowd.

We are proud to say we have one of the biggest tank capacity hot and cold water dispenser for office use.

Table Top Dispensers: Compact Hydration Heroes

Got a smaller office or limited space?

Table top water dispensers are your new best friend.

They’re the compact cars of the water dispenser world—efficient, space-saving, and perfect for tight spots. Keep in mind that table top water dispensers do have slightly smaller tank capacities compared to floor standing models. There are a few bigger tank capacity table top models but they are bulky and huge.

Bottom Load Dispensers: Say Goodbye to Heavy Lifting

Ever tried to flip a 5-gallon water jug? It’s not fun. It is back breaking and someone needs to be there to do it.

Bottom load dispensers eliminate this circus act. You won’t have to carry it up but just drag that heavy bottle into the dispenser.

They’re ergonomic, easy to refill, and look sleek as hell.

However, if you are tired of keeping gallons of water bottles around the office, then its time you make a switch to direct piped in water dispensers for office. Small and medium sized offices usually have space constraints. Whether you have a top or bottom load dispenser, space will be used for storing 5 gallon bottles.

Features That Matter: Hot, Cold, and Room Temperature?

Temperature Options: Because One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Hot water for tea lovers, cold water for refreshment seekers.

Some models even offer room temperature options.

It’s like having a barista and a bartender in one machine.

At Aqua Kent we have the widest range of 3 temperature table top and floor standing water dispensers.

Water Types: Mineral vs. Distilled

Here’s where it gets interesting:

Mineral water dispensers add a touch of nature’s goodness.

Distilled water dispensers give you pure H2O, no frills.

You can find options that cater to both preferences.

If you are looking at direct piped in water dispensers for office that comes with in built water filtration. Those are good enough to give you fresh, mineral water like taste.

The Big Decision: Buy or Rent?

Buying: The Long-Term Investment

Upfront cost? Higher. You will be spending a one-time amount for the water dispenser for your office. There will be warranty coverage, perhaps free filter maintenance packages if you are lucky.

Long-term savings? Potentially massive. To save further costs on your periodic filter replacements. Sign up for a filter service maintenance contract. It’ll be cheaper than an ad-hoc filter replacement service.

Plus, you’re in control of filter maintenance and upgrades. Reason is because you decide when you want to change the water filters instead of being on a auto scheduled maintenance.

Renting: Flexibility is King

All-inclusive packages can be a lifesaver. From relocations and reinstallation to warranty coverage and filter replacements. You are covered.

Full Warranty, regularly filter replacements without worrying whether your filters are old.

No worries about maintenance or repairs.

Perfect for businesses that value flexibility and cash flow.

Choosing Your Office Water Champion

Size Matters (When It Comes to Offices)

Small startup or corporate giant?

Your water consumption needs will differ. When investing in a water dispenser for office use, first thing you need to know how many people are going to be using the water dispenser daily.

An office with 10 to 50 people doesn’t need the same water dispenser as a 100 to 200 staffed office.

Style Points: Because Looks Count

Your water dispenser shouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb.

Many brands offer sleek designs that blend seamlessly with modern office decor.

Think of it as functional office art.

Keeping It Clean: Maintenance 101

Regular Cleaning: Non-Negotiable

A dirty water dispenser for office use is like a dirty kitchen—just no.

Set up a cleaning schedule and stick to it.

Your employees’ health (and taste buds) will thank you.

Refills and Replacements: Stay on Top of It

Running out of water or using expired filters is amateur hour. Having a water dispenser for office usage will most likely be of higher usage than residential use. Carbon water filters if not replaced on time can inhibit bacteria growth.

Set reminders for refills and cartridge replacements. Most suppliers will paste a service reminder sticker at the side of the water dispenser.

Many suppliers offer maintenance services to make your life easier. It’ll save you alot more!

The Hidden Benefits of Office Water Dispensers

Productivity Boost

Hydrated employees = sharper minds.

Easy access to water means fewer trips to the store or pantry area.

More time working, less time wandering.

Environmental Impact

Ditch the plastic bottles. Save the earth and save your gut, microplastics in water bottles aren’t gonna be good for your health in the long run.

A water dispenser for office can significantly reduce your company’s plastic waste.

It’s good for the planet and your corporate image.

Cost-Effective in the Long Run

Bulk water dispensers or filtered tap water are cheaper than individual bottles.

You’ll see the savings add up over time.

Making the Right Choice: Final Thoughts

Choosing a water dispenser for office isn’t rocket science, but it does require some thought.

Consider your office size, budget, and specific needs.

Don’t be afraid to test different options.

Remember, the best water dispenser is the one that keeps your team hydrated and happy.

Invest in quality, prioritize maintenance, and watch your office thrive.

Stay hydrated, stay productive, and choose the water dispenser for your office that’s right for you.

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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Water Dispenser for Office