Office Water Dispensers: The 5 Best Locations for Optimal Placement

female employee dispensing water from an office water dispenser

Having an office water dispenser is essential for any workplace.

It not only keeps your employees hydrated but also creates a welcoming environment.

But where should you place these dispensers for the best results?

Let’s explore the ideal locations for your office water dispenser to ensure everyone has easy access to clean drinking water.

Optimal Locations for Your Office Water Dispenser

When deciding on where to position your office water dispenser, think about accessibility, convenience, and the flow of daily activities.

Here are some key areas to consider:

1. Reception Area

The reception area is often the first place clients and visitors see.

Having a water dispenser here serves multiple purposes:

  • Welcoming Guests: Visitors might feel thirsty after travelling, and a water dispenser allows them to quench their thirst while they wait.
  • Convenient for Employees: Employees can fill their bottles as they arrive or leave, ensuring they start or end their day hydrated.
  • Creating a Positive Impression: A well-placed water dispenser shows that your office cares about comfort and hospitality.

2. Kitchen or Pantry

The kitchen or pantry is a logical spot for an office water dispenser.

This location encourages employees to hydrate during breaks or lunch.

Here’s why it works:

  • Easy Access During Meals: Employees often visit the kitchen for snacks or lunch, making it convenient to grab a drink at the same time.
  • Encourages Healthy Habits: Placing the dispenser in this area promotes hydration as part of daily routines.
  • Space-Saving Options: If space is limited, consider using a countertop model that fits neatly on counters without taking up much room.

3. Open-Plan Office Spaces

In open-plan offices, having multiple office water dispensers scattered throughout can be very beneficial.

Here’s how it helps:

  • Promotes Hydration: When dispensers are easily accessible, employees are more likely to drink water regularly throughout the day.
  • Encourages Interaction: Water dispensers can become social spots where employees gather and chat, fostering collaboration and teamwork.
  • Demonstrates Care for Employee Well-being: Having several dispensers shows that you value your team’s health and comfort.

4. Near Meeting Rooms

Placing an office water dispenser near meeting rooms is a smart move.

Here’s why:

  • Quick Access During Meetings: Long meetings can be draining, so having water nearby keeps everyone refreshed and focused.
  • Encourages Hydration Culture: By making water readily available during meetings, you promote a culture of hydration in your workplace.
  • Enhances Professionalism: A well-stocked water station reflects positively on your office environment, showing that you care about employee comfort.

5. Against a Wall

Positioning your office water dispenser against a wall can be practical for several reasons:

  • Safety: Keeping the dispenser close to a wall reduces the risk of it being bumped into by passing employees.
  • Stability: A wall provides support, ensuring that the unit remains stable and secure.
  • Space Efficiency: This placement helps keep high-traffic areas clear, allowing for easier movement around the office.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Placement

When deciding where to place your office water dispenser, consider these important factors:


Ensure that the dispenser is in a location that all employees can easily reach.

High-traffic areas like kitchens and break rooms are ideal spots.

This encourages regular use and helps everyone stay hydrated throughout the day.

Proximity to Water Source

If you choose a direct-piped model, make sure it’s close to a water supply.

This ensures easy access to fresh drinking water without constant refills.

Electrical Outlets

Most modern dispensers require electricity to function properly.

Check that there are available outlets nearby so you can avoid using extension cords, which can create safety hazards.

Space Considerations

Make sure there’s enough space around the dispenser for people to gather without feeling cramped.

A clutter-free area not only looks better but also makes it easier for employees to use the unit comfortably.

Encouraging Hydration in the Workplace

Once you’ve placed your office water dispenser, consider ways to encourage its use:

Awareness Campaigns

Educate employees about the importance of staying hydrated.

You could use posters or emails to remind them of the benefits of drinking enough water each day.

Make It User-Friendly

Ensure that the dispenser is easy to use and that instructions are clearly visible.

If it has special features like hot and cold settings, make sure everyone knows how to access them.

Create Incentives

Consider setting up hydration challenges or offering small rewards for those who meet their daily water intake goals.

This can motivate employees to drink more water throughout the day.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How many office water dispensers should I have?

The number of dispensers depends on your office size and employee count. Larger offices may need multiple units in different locations for easy access.

2. Should I choose bottled or bottleless dispensers?

Bottleless dispensers are often more convenient as they connect directly to your water supply, eliminating the need for constant bottle changes. However, if plumbing is an issue, bottled options work well too.

3. How often should I clean my office water dispenser?

Regular cleaning is important for hygiene. Wipe down surfaces daily and perform deeper cleans monthly to keep everything fresh and safe.

4. Can I place my dispenser outside?

It’s best to keep dispensers indoors as exposure to sunlight can heat up the water and affect its taste over time.

5. What features should I look for in an office water dispenser?

Look for features like temperature control (hot and cold), filtration systems for clean drinking water, and ease of use for all employees.


Choosing the right locations for your office water dispenser is crucial for promoting hydration among employees.

By placing dispensers in high-traffic areas like reception desks, kitchens, meeting rooms, and open-plan spaces, you make it easy for everyone to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Remember, keeping your team hydrated not only boosts morale but also enhances productivity in the workplace.

So go ahead and find those perfect spots for your office water dispenser, ensuring everyone has access to clean drinking water whenever they need it!

At Aqua Kent Singapore we have almost a decade of experience working with corporate clients. From small office spaces to big open plan offices. We have suitable range of products to be placed at most locations in an office. Feel free to contact us if you need any advice on where you should place your water dispensers.


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Office Water Dispensers: The 5 Best Locations for Optimal Placement