RO Water Purifiers

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    RO Water Purifiers: The Ultimate Solution for Clean Drinking Water

    Are you tired of living with impurities in your drinking water? Look no further than RO water purifiers, the perfect solution for clean and safe drinking water. Built with patented Mineral RO Technology, KENT RO Water Purifiers delivers a unique double purification process that combines Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Ultraviolet (UV) / Ultra Filtration (UF) in a multi-stage filtration process.

    How RO Water Purifiers Work

    RO water purifiers use a multi-stage filtration process to remove all dissolved impurities from your drinking water, while retaining essential minerals. This results in 100% pure and safe drinking water that is free from impurities and contaminants.

    Benefits of RO Water Purifiers

    There are many benefits to using RO water purifiers, including:

    Improved taste and odor

    RO water purifiers remove impurities and contaminants that can affect the taste and odor of your drinking water.

    Increased safety

    By removing bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, RO water purifiers provide a safe and healthy drinking water solution.


    RO water purifiers are easy to install and require minimal maintenance, making them a convenient solution for clean drinking water.


    RO water purifiers are designed to fit under your kitchen sink, taking up minimal space and leaving your countertops clear.

    Types of RO Water Purifiers

    We offer a range of RO water purifiers, including:

    Wall-mounted RO water purifiers

    Perfect for small kitchens and apartments. Many vessels are also accustomed to using our RO systems.

    Under-the-counter RO water purifiers

    Ideal for larger kitchens and households.

    Commercial RO water purifiers

    Designed for heavy-duty use in commercial settings or marine industry.

    How RO Water Purifiers Save Water

    RO water purifiers are known to have high reject water, but our patented Save Water Technology employs a computer-controlled process that recovers more than 50% water as purified water. The reject water is stored in a separate tank that can be utilized for mopping and washing, resulting in minimal water wastage.

    Why Choose RO Water Purifiers in Singapore

    In Singapore, we are fortunate to have drinking water available from tap. However, there has been a growing demand for RO water purifiers as it has health benefits and the ability to provide much fresher, crisper, purer taste drinking water. Water quality in Singapore is considered good, but impurities are bound to be found in water storage tanks & pipes, making RO water purifiers a necessary solution.


    RO water purifiers are the ultimate solution for clean and safe drinking water. With their unique double purification process and ability to retain essential minerals, RO water purifiers provide a healthy and convenient solution for your drinking water needs. Whether you’re looking for a simple and effective solution for clean drinking water or a more advanced filtration system, RO water purifiers are the perfect choice.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: What is the difference between a RO water purifier and a traditional water filter?

    A: A RO water purifier uses a multi-stage filtration process to remove all dissolved impurities from your drinking water, while a traditional water filter may only remove some impurities.

    Q: How often do I need to replace my RO water purifier?

    A: The frequency of replacement depends on the type of filter and the amount of water used. Typically, RO water purifiers need to be replaced every 6-12 months.

    Q: Can I install a RO water purifier myself?

    A: Yes, many RO water purifiers are designed to be easy to install and require minimal maintenance. However, if you’re not comfortable with DIY projects, it’s recommended to hire a professional plumber to install the filter for you.

    Visit Our Water Purifier Shop Today!

    Discover the difference clean, filtered water can make in your daily life. Browse our collection of RO water purifiers now and take the first step towards better hydration and improved water quality for you and your loved ones.

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    RO Water Purifiers